Deliberate Prayer

Adam Polk   -  

We recently made the commitment to include a brief sermon series each year highlighting one of our Core Values as a church.  So, for the month of May we are excited to be walking through a 4-part series focused on Deliberate Prayer.

Prayer is one of the most fundamental disciplines and privileges we have as a Christian, yet it’s one of the easiest to neglect.   As a church we put a high value on the discipline of prayer.  We recognize our desperate need for God to guide, equip, and empower us to love Him, love others, and walk as faithful disciples of Jesus.  Prayer is a means of humility and submission before God and enables us to be in a posture that’s critical to following the Lord and fulfilling his purpose for our lives.

In this series we hope to encourage a deliberate prayer life that characterizes our lives individually as well as corporately.   Each week we will consider a different aspect of prayer as it’s explained and exemplified in Scripture.  We will consider what it means to Pray Humbly, Pray Boldly, Pray Missionally, and Pray Corporately.  Come ready to grow more deliberate in your prayer life as we journey through this series together!