The Secret (Church) is Out!

Curtis and Katie Hutchison   -  

The first rule of Secret Church is: you do not talk about Secret Church.

Just kidding — Secret Church is anything but a secret!  It is a gathering of Christians around the world, at the same time, to dive into intense Bible study and prayer in support of our persecuted brothers and sisters. Established in 2006 by Radical and Pastor David Platt, Secret Church is an annual event where we meet together as a church, in “secret” and at night to mirror the experiences of those who cannot openly profess their faith and study the Bible for fear of persecution.  They risk being ostracized or put to death for pursuing the Truth of the Gospel.

It is 6 hours of intense study and prayer as we fervently and passionately seek God and pray for the unreached and persecuted.

  • STUDY: Take a deep dive to study God’s epic tale of redemption in the story of Ruth. It’s a story that reminds us that each of our lives–no matter how ordinary they may sometimes seem and no matter how difficult they may sometimes be–is indeed a part of a plan much larger than ourselves and much more thrilling than we could ever imagine.
  • PRAY: This year we will explore the story of the persecuted church in North Korea, considered by many the most hostile-to-Christians country in the world. Together we will pray and support our brothers and sisters in North Korea, Cambodia, Indonesia and other persecuted places.
  • ACT: We will be challenged to live on mission–in our neighborhoods and to the nations.

Don’t let the above SPA acronym fool you.  I’m not going to lie and tell you it will be the most relaxing Friday night, BUT it is incredibly rewarding. Having attended in past years, I personally have found great joy in our ability to gather with other members of RGBC, Christians from other churches in the area, friends, and neighbors.  We’ve studied a number of topics – from Jonah,God & Government, Cults and Counterfeit Gospels, Scriptural Authority, to our identity in Christ in an age where people are struggling to find who they are and where they fit in this world.  We gather with a unified purpose, centered on our devotion to Christ and the Great Commission to make disciples.  Secret Church facilitates that effort locally, but also equips and challenges us to apply what we learn and take the Gospel message and truths to our community and the ends of the earth.  Accepting this challenge together, with other believers you fellowship with regularly, is incredibly encouraging! 

So grab your snacks, coffee, and energy drinks, invite your friends and neighbors, and I hope to see you at this year’s Secret Church!


Register here today!!!



SC23 was a study through the book of Jonah